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The set difference A\B is defined by A\B={x:x in A and x not in B}. Here, the backslash symbol is defined as Unicode U+2216. The set difference is therefore equivalent to the ...
An algebraic surface which can be represented implicitly by a polynomial of degree six in x, y, and z. Examples of quartic surfaces include the Barth sextic, Boy surface, ...
Let X be a set and S a collection of subsets of X. A subset A subset X is shattered by S if each subset B subset A of A can be expressed as the intersection of A with a ...
The Shaw Prizes are $1 million cash awards offered annually by Run Run Shaw (b. 1907), a longtime movie and television producer. There are prizes for astronomy, life science ...
Shephard's conjecture states that every convex polyhedron admits a self-unoverlapping unfolding (Shephard 1975). This question is still unsettled (Malkevitch), though most ...
The Shi-Krotov-Solé graph is a weakly regular graph on 1024 vertices with regular parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(1024,33,2,(0,2)). It is distance-regular but not ...
A short exact sequence of groups A, B, and C is given by two maps alpha:A->B and beta:B->C and is written 0->A->B->C->0. (1) Because it is an exact sequence, alpha is ...
There are at least two Siegel's theorems. The first states that an elliptic curve can have only a finite number of points with integer coordinates. The second states that if ...
The conjecture that all integers >1 occur as a value of the totient valence function (i.e., all integers >1 occur as multiplicities). The conjecture was proved by Ford ...
For any M, there exists a t^' such that the sequence n^2+t^', where n=1, 2, ... contains at least M primes.
