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Let N steps of equal length be taken along a line. Let p be the probability of taking a step to the right, q the probability of taking a step to the left, n_1 the number of ...
In a plane, consider a sum of N two-dimensional vectors with random orientations. Use phasor notation, and let the phase of each vector be random. Assume N unit steps are ...
A quotient of two polynomials P(z) and Q(z), R(z)=(P(z))/(Q(z)), is called a rational function, or sometimes a rational polynomial function. More generally, if P and Q are ...
A real normed algebra, also called a composition algebra, is a multiplication * on R^n that respects the length of vectors, i.e., |x*y|=|x|*|y| for x,y in R^n. The only real ...
Pick two real numbers x and y at random in (0,1) with a uniform distribution. What is the probability P_(even) that [x/y], where [r] denotes the nearest integer function, is ...
The reciprocal curve of a given circle is the locus of a point which moves so that its distance from the center of reciprocation varies as its distance from the line which is ...
The number of ways N(m,n) of finding a subrectangle with an m×n rectangle can be computed by counting the number of ways in which the upper right-hand corner can be selected ...
By analogy with the squircle, a term first apparently used by Fernández Guasti et al. (2005), the term "rectellipse" (used here for the first time) is a natural ...
A recurrence plot is defined as a plot of the quantity R(t,tau)=H(epsilon-||f(t)-f(tau)||), where H(x) is the Heaviside step function and ||f|| denotes a norm. A recurrence ...
A Redheffer matrix is a square (0,1)-matrix with elements a_(ij) equal to 1 if j=1 or i|j (i divides j), and 0 otherwise. For n=1, 2, ..., the first few Redheffer matrices ...
