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A graphical plot with abscissa given by the number p of consecutive numbers constituting a single period and ordinate given by the correlation ratio eta. The equation of the ...
Let p={a_1,a_2,...,a_n} be a permutation. Then i is a permutation ascent if a_i<a_(i+1). For example, the permutation {1,2,3,4} is composed of three ascents, namely {1,2}, ...
The index of a permutation p is defined as the sum of all subscripts j such that p_j>p_(j+1), for 1<=j<=n. MacMahon (1960) proved that the number of permutations of size n ...
A permutation matrix is a matrix obtained by permuting the rows of an n×n identity matrix according to some permutation of the numbers 1 to n. Every row and column therefore ...
Two lines, vectors, planes, etc., are said to be perpendicular if they meet at a right angle. In R^n, two vectors a and b are perpendicular if their dot product a·b=0. (1) In ...
A vector perpendicular to a given vector a is a vector a^_|_ (voiced "a-perp") such that a and a^_|_ form a right angle. In the plane, there are two vectors perpendicular to ...
An n-persistent number is a positive integer k which contains the digits 0, 1, ..., 9 (i.e., is a pandigital number), and for which 2k, ..., nk also share this property. No ...
Two triangles DeltaABC and DeltaA^'B^'C^' are said to be perspective, or sometimes homologic, from a line if the extensions of their three pairs of corresponding sides meet ...
The theory of non-uniformly hyperbolic diffeomorphisms.
A piecewise function is a function that is defined on a sequence of intervals. A common example is the absolute value, |x|={-x for x<0; 0 for x=0; x for x>0. (1) Piecewise ...
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