Search Results for "inline 3"
5541 - 5550 of 7050 for inline 3Search Results

Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. A lattice endomorphism is a mapping h:L->L that preserves both meets and joins.
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) be a lattice, and let tau subset= L^2. Then tau is a tolerance if and only if it is a reflexive and symmetric sublattice of L^2. Tolerances of lattices, ...
A Laurent polynomial with coefficients in the field F is an algebraic object that is typically expressed in the form ...+a_(-n)t^(-n)+a_(-(n-1))t^(-(n-1))+... ...
A pair of linear operators L and A associated with a given partial differential equation which can be used to solve the equation. However, it turns out to be very difficult ...
Leakage, more explicitly called spectral leakage, is a smearing of power across a frequency spectrum that occurs when the signal being measured is not periodic in the sample ...
In practice, the vertical offsets from a line (polynomial, surface, hyperplane, etc.) are almost always minimized instead of the perpendicular offsets. This provides a ...
The Lebesgue covering dimension is an important dimension and one of the first dimensions investigated. It is defined in terms of covering sets, and is therefore also called ...
The Lebesgue measure is an extension of the classical notions of length and area to more complicated sets. Given an open set S=sum_(k)(a_k,b_k) containing disjoint intervals, ...
Each double point assigned to an irreducible algebraic curve whose curve genus is nonnegative imposes exactly one condition.
The (associated) Legendre function of the first kind P_n^m(z) is the solution to the Legendre differential equation which is regular at the origin. For m,n integers and z ...