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(b-c)/a = (sin[1/2(B-C)])/(cos(1/2A)) (1) (c-a)/b = (sin[1/2(C-A)])/(cos(1/2B)) (2) (a-b)/c = (sin[1/2(A-B)])/(cos(1/2C)). (3)
For all x, y, a in an alternative algebra A, (xax)y = x[a(xy)] (1) y(xax) = [(yx)a]x (2) (xy)(ax) = x(ya)x (3) (Schafer 1996, p. 28).
A 15-sided polygon, sometimes also called the pentakaidecagon. For a regular pentadecagon with side length 1, the inradius r, circumradius R, and area A are r = ...
Since (2a)/(a+b)=(2ab)/((a+b)b), (1) it follows that a/((a+b)/2)=((2ab)/(a+b))/b, (2) so a/A=H/b, (3) where A and H are the arithmetic mean and harmonic mean of a and b. This ...
The knot move obtained by fixing disk 1 in the figure above and flipping disks 2 and 3.
The evolute of the prolate cycloid x = at-bsint (1) y = a-bcost (2) (with b>a) is given by x = a[t+((bcost-a)sint)/(acost-b)] (3) y = (a(a-bcost)^2)/(b(acost-b)). (4)
The system of partial differential equations E_t-v = 0 (1) r_x+omegav = 0 (2) q_x+Ev = 0 (3) v_x-omegar-Eq = 0. (4)
An area-minimizing surface (rectifiable current) bounded by a smooth curve in R^3 is a smooth submanifold with boundary.
The nonlinear three-dimensional map X^. = -(Y+Z) (1) Y^. = X+aY (2) Z^. = b+XZ-cZ (3) whose strange attractor is show above for a=0.2, b=0.2, and c=8.0.
Theodorus's constant sqrt(3) has decimal expansion sqrt(3)=1.732050807... (OEIS A002194). It was computed to 10^(10) decimal digits by E. Weisstein on Jul. 23, 2013. The ...
