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Scientific notation is the expression of a number n in the form a×10^p, where p=|_log_(10)|n|_| (1) is the floor of the base-10 logarithm of n (the "order of magnitude"), and ...
The score function u(theta) is the partial derivativeof the log-likelihood function F(theta)=lnL(theta), where L(theta) is the standard likelihood function. Defining the ...
The second Steiner circle (a term coined here for the first time) is the circumcircle of the Steiner triangle DeltaS_AS_BS_C. Its center has center function ...
Given a Seifert form f(x,y), choose a basis e_1, ..., e_(2g) for H_1(M^^) as a Z-module so every element is uniquely expressible as n_1e_1+...+n_(2g)e_(2g) (1) with n_i ...
Consider a second-order differential operator L^~u(x)=p_0(d^2u)/(dx^2)+p_1(du)/(dx)+p_2u, (1) where u=u(x) and p_i=p_i(x) are real functions of x on the region of interest ...
The silver ratio is the quantity defined by the continued fraction delta_S = [2,2,2,...] (1) = 2+1/(2+1/(2+1/(2+...))) (2) (Wall 1948, p. 24). It follows that ...
"SOHCAHTOA" is a helpful mnemonic for remembering the definitions of the trigonometric functions sine, cosine, and tangent i.e., sine equals opposite side over hypotenuse, ...
A square matrix U is a special unitary matrix if UU^*=I, (1) where I is the identity matrix and U^* is the conjugate transpose matrix, and the determinant is detU=1. (2) The ...
The surface of revolution obtained by cutting a conical "wedge" with vertex at the center of a sphere out of the sphere. It is therefore a cone plus a spherical cap, and is a ...
The Stammler hyperbola of a triangle is the Feuerbach hyperbola of its tangential triangle, and its center is the focus of the Kiepert parabola, which is Kimberling center ...
