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There are several equivalent definitions of a closed set. Let S be a subset of a metric space. A set S is closed if 1. The complement of S is an open set, 2. S is its own set ...
Conway triangle notation defines S=2Delta (1) where Delta is the area of a reference triangle, and S_phi=Scotphi. (2) This gives the special cases S_A = 1/2(-a^2+b^2+c^2) (3) ...
y approx m+sigmaw, (1) where w = (2) where h_1(x) = 1/6He_2(x) (3) h_2(x) = 1/(24)He_3(x) (4) h_(11)(x) = -1/(36)[2He_3(x)+He_1(x)] (5) h_3(x) = 1/(120)He_4(x) (6) h_(12)(x) ...
Let phi(t) be the characteristic function, defined as the Fourier transform of the probability density function P(x) using Fourier transform parameters a=b=1, phi(t) = ...
The discrete Fourier transform of length N (where N is even) can be rewritten as the sum of two discrete Fourier transforms, each of length N/2. One is formed from the ...
If A=(a_(ij)) is a diagonal matrix, then Q(v)=v^(T)Av=suma_(ii)v_i^2 (1) is a diagonal quadratic form, and Q(v,w)=v^(T)Aw is its associated diagonal symmetric bilinear form. ...
The term diamond is another word for a rhombus. The term is also used to denote a square tilted at a 45 degrees angle. The diamond shape is a special case of the superellipse ...
Let a be the angle between v and x, b the angle between v and y, and c the angle between v and z. Then the direction cosines are equivalent to the (x,y,z) coordinates of a ...
The evolute of an ellipse specified parametrically by x = acost (1) y = bsint (2) is given by the parametric equations x_e = (a^2-b^2)/acos^3t (3) y_e = (b^2-a^2)/bsin^3t. ...
An elliptic cylinder is a cylinder with an elliptical cross section. The elliptic cylinder is a quadratic ruled surface. The parametric equations for the laterals sides of an ...
