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The angles S_1=A_1/2 and S_2=A_2/2 obtained from solving sin(x+omega)=2sinomega (1) for x=A_1,A_2, where omega is the Brocard angle. The half-angles A_1 and A_2 are given by ...
A relation < is a strict order on a set S if it is 1. Irreflexive: a<a does not hold for any a in S. 2. Asymmetric: if a<b, then b<a does not hold. 3. Transitive: a<b and b<c ...
Summation by parts for discrete variables is the equivalent of integration by parts for continuous variables Delta^(-1)[v(x)Deltau(x)]=u(x)v(x)-Delta^(-1)[Eu(x)Deltav(x)], ...
A symplectic form on a smooth manifold M is a smooth closed 2-form omega on M which is nondegenerate such that at every point m, the alternating bilinear form omega_m on the ...
An n×n array of the integers from 1 to n^2 such that the difference between any one integer and its neighbor (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, without wrapping ...
Coordinates useful for plotting projective three-dimensional curves of the form f(x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3)=0 which are defined by x_0 = 1-z-sqrt(2)x (1) x_1 = 1-z+sqrt(2)x (2) x_2 = ...
A number of attractive 50-compounds of the regular tetrahedron can be constructed. The compounds illustrated above will be implemented in a future version of the Wolfram ...
The function psi(x)={x(1-(x^2)/(c^2))^2 for |x|<c; 0 for |x|>c (1) sometimes used in robust estimation. It has a minimum at x=-c/sqrt(5) and a maximum at x=c/sqrt(5), where ...
A point lattice which can be constructed from an arbitrary parallelogram of unit area. For any such planar lattice, the minimum distance c between any two points is a ...
The set of n quantities v_j are components of an n-dimensional vector v iff, under rotation, v_i^'=a_(ij)v_j (1) for i=1, 2, ..., n. The direction cosines between x_i^' and ...
