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Let A and B_j be sets. Conditional probability requires that P(A intersection B_j)=P(A)P(B_j|A), (1) where intersection denotes intersection ("and"), and also that P(A ...
The longstanding conjecture that the nonimaginary solutions E_n of zeta(1/2+iE_n)=0, (1) where zeta(z) is the Riemann zeta function, are the eigenvalues of an "appropriate" ...
The problem of finding the number of different ways in which a product of n different ordered factors can be calculated by pairs (i.e., the number of binary bracketings of n ...
Clairaut's difference equation is a special case of Lagrange's equation (Sokolnikoff and Redheffer 1958) defined by u_k=kDeltau_k+F(Deltau_k), (1) or in "x notation," ...
Given a set S with a subset E, the complement (denoted E^' or E^_) of E with respect to S is defined as E^'={F:F in S,F not in E}. (1) Using set difference notation, the ...
It is conjectured that any convex body in n-dimensional Euclidean space has an interior point lying on normals through 2n distinct boundary points (Croft et al. 1991). This ...
The directional derivative del _(u)f(x_0,y_0,z_0) is the rate at which the function f(x,y,z) changes at a point (x_0,y_0,z_0) in the direction u. It is a vector form of the ...
The sequence of numbers obtained by letting a_1=2, and defining a_n=lpf(1+product_(k=1)^(n-1)a_k) where lpf(n) is the least prime factor. The first few terms are 2, 3, 7, 43, ...
A root-finding algorithm which makes use of a third-order Taylor series f(x)=f(x_n)+f^'(x_n)(x-x_n)+1/2f^('')(x_n)(x-x_n)^2+.... (1) A root of f(x) satisfies f(x)=0, so 0 ...
A Hermitian inner product on a complex vector space V is a complex-valued bilinear form on V which is antilinear in the second slot, and is positive definite. That is, it ...
