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An n-dimensional vector, i.e., a vector (x_1, x_2, ..., x_n) with n components. In dimensions n greater than or equal to two, vectors are sometimes considered synonymous with ...
The letter O is used for a number of different purposes in mathematics. The double-struck O is sometimes used to represent octonions. The symbols O(x) (sometimes called the ...
A p-elementary subgroup of a finite group G is a subgroup H which is the group direct product H=C_n×P, where P is a p-group, C_n is a cyclic group, and p does not divide n.
A lattice path from one point to another is p-good if it lies completely below the line y=(p-1)x. (1) Hilton and Pederson (1991) show that the number of p-good paths from (1, ...
A shorthand name for a series with the variable k taken to a negative exponent, e.g., sum_(k=1)^(infty)k^(-p), where p>1. p-series are given in closed form by the Riemann ...
Diagonalize a form over the rationals to diag[p^a·A,p^b·B,...], where all the entries are integers and A, B, ... are relatively prime to p. Then the p-signature of the form ...
A p-system of a set S is a sequence of subsets A_1, A_2, ..., A_p of S, among which some may be empty or coinciding with each other.
A q-analog of the beta function B(a,b) = int_0^1t^(a-1)(1-t)^(b-1)dt (1) = (Gamma(a)Gamma(b))/(Gamma(a+b)), (2) where Gamma(z) is a gamma function, is given by B_q(a,b) = ...
The function defined by [n]_q = [n; 1]_q (1) = (1-q^n)/(1-q) (2) for integer n, where [n; k]_q is a q-binomial coefficient. The q-bracket satisfies lim_(q->1^-)[n]_q=n. (3)
where _8phi_7 is a q-hypergeometric function.
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