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The symbol used by engineers and some physicists to denote i, the imaginary number sqrt(-1). j is probably preferred over i because the symbol i (or I) is commonly used to ...
A generalized hypergeometric function _pF_q[alpha_1,alpha_2,...,alpha_p; beta_1,beta_2,...,beta_q;z], is said to be k-balanced if sum_(i=1)^qbeta_i=k+sum_(i=1)^palpha_i.
A k-colored graph is a labeled k-colorable graph together with its coloring function (Finch 2003).
A k-factor of a graph is a k-regular subgraph of order n. k-factors are a generalization of complete matchings. A perfect matching is a 1-factor (Skiena 1990, p. 244).
A graph G is k-factorable if it is the union of disjoint k-factors (Skiena 1990, p. 244).
A k-matrix is a kind of cube root of the identity matrix (distinct from the identity matrix) which is defined by the complex matrix k=[0 0 -i; i 0 0; 0 1 0]. It satisfies ...
A k-partite graph is a graph whose graph vertices can be partitioned into k disjoint sets so that no two vertices within the same set are adjacent.
A group is called k-transitive group if there exists a set of elements on which the group acts faithfully and k-transitively. It should be noted that transitivity computed ...
n-minex is defined as 10^(-n).
n-plex is defined as 10^n.
