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The satellite knot of an unknot twisted inside a torus.
An open three-manifold which is simply connected but is topologically distinct from Euclidean three-space.
The second-order ordinary differential equation y^('')+[A+Bcos(2x)+Ccos(4x)]y=0.
The width of a box is the horizontal distance from side to side (usually defined to be greater than the depth, the horizontal distance from front to back).
An oriented surface for which every point belongs to a Wiedersehen pair. Proof of the Blaschke conjecture established that the only Wiedersehen surfaces are the standard ...
The integral transform obtained by defining omega=-tan(1/2delta), (1) and writing H(omega)=R(omega)+iX(omega), (2) where R(omega) and X(omega) are a Hilbert transform pair as ...
Suppose W is the set of all complex-valued functions f on the interval [0,2pi] of the form f(t)=sum_(k=-infty)^inftyalpha_ke^(ikt) (1) for t in [0,2pi], where the alpha_k in ...
An optimal filter used for the removal of noise from a signal which is corrupted by the measuring process itself.
The probability law on the space of continuous functions g with g(0)=0, induced by the Wiener process.
In the Wolfram Language, WignerD[{j, m ,n}, psi, theta, phi] gives the m×n matrix element of a (2j+1)-dimensional unitary representation of SU(2) parametrized by three Euler ...
