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The partial differential equation u_(xy)+alphau_x+betau_y+gammau_xu_y=0.
The Thompson group is the sporadic group Th of order |Th| = 90745943887872000 (1) = 2^(15)·3^(10)·5^3·7^2·13·19·31. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
A lamp is turned on for 1/2 minute, off for 1/4 minute, on for 1/8 minute, etc. At the end of one minute, the lamp switch will have been moved aleph_0 times, where aleph_0 is ...
1000=10^3. The word "thousand" appears in common expressions in a number of languages, for example, "a thousand pardons" in English and "tusen takk" ("a thousand thanks") in ...
The larger an arc is, the smaller its radius appears. For example, the three arcs illustrated above belong circles of the same radius.
A self-avoiding walk in which steps may be to the left, right, or straight ahead after a vertical step, but only straight ahead or to the left after a horizontal step. A ...
The three-chord lemma states that in the figure above, l_1+l_2=2lcostheta.
A three-colorable graph G is a graph with chromatic number chi(G)<=3.
A logical structure which does not assume the law of the excluded middle. Three truth values are possible: true, false, or undecided. There are 3072 such logics.
The sequence of binary digits of the Thue constant, 0.110110111110110111110110110..._2 (OEIS A014578). A recurrence plot of the limiting value of this sequence is illustrated ...
