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6431 - 6440 of 13134 for index theoremSearch Results
A point which does not lie on at least one ordinary line.
A graphical partitioning based on the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix of a graph.
P_y(nu)=lim_(T->infty)2/T|int_(-T/2)^(T/2)[y(t)-y^_]e^(-2piinut)dt|^2, (1) so int_0^inftyP_y(nu)dnu = lim_(T->infty)1/Tint_(-T/2)^(T/2)[y(t)-y^_]^2dt (2) = <(y-y^_)^2> (3) = ...
The mean square deviation of the best local fit straight line to a staircase cumulative spectral density over a normalized energy scale.
A spectrum sequence is a sequence formed by successive multiples of a real number a rounded down to the nearest integer s_n=|_na_|. If a is irrational, the spectrum is called ...
A moving average using 15 points having weights -3, -6, -5, 3, 21, 46, 67, 74, 67, 46, 21, 3, -5, -6, and -3. It is sometimes used by actuaries.
F(x) = -Li_2(-x) (1) = int_0^x(ln(1+t))/tdt, (2) where Li_2(x) is the dilogarithm.
F(x) = Li_2(1-x) (1) = int_(1-x)^0(ln(1-t))/tdt, (2) where Li_2(x) is the dilogarithm.
Johnson solid J_(86).
Johnson solid J_(88).
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