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A fraction a/b written in lowest terms, i.e., by dividing numerator and denominator through by their greatest common divisor (a,b). For example, 2/3 is the reduced fraction ...
A knot diagram in which none of the crossings are reducible.
The system of partial differential equations E_t-v = 0 (1) r_x+omegav = 0 (2) q_x+Ev = 0 (3) v_x-omegar-Eq = 0. (4)
Any system of phi(n) integers, where phi(n) is the totient function, representing all the residue classes relatively prime to n is called a reduced residue system (Nagell ...
A reduced root system is a root system R satisfying the additional property that, if alpha in R, then the only multiples of alpha in R are +/-alpha.
A reducible fraction is a fraction p/q such that GCD(p,q)>1, i.e., p/q can be written in reduced form. A fraction that is not reducible is said to be irreducible. For ...
A Reeb component is a Reeb foliation (M,F) whose leaves are proper. A foliation which has no Reeb components is said to be Reebless.
The Reeb foliation of the hypersphere S^3 is a foliation constructed as the union of two solid tori with common boundary.
A foliation which has no Reeb components is said to be Reebless.
A type of error-correcting code that is related to Hadamard matrices.
