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5521 - 5530 of 13134 for index theoremSearch Results
Let S_N(s)=sum_(n=1)^infty[(n^(1/N))]^(-s), (1) where [x] denotes nearest integer function, i.e., the integer closest to x. For s>3, S_2(s) = 2zeta(s-1) (2) S_3(s) = ...
A nowhere-neat dissection in which squares of the same size are not allowed to share any part of a side.
A module M is Noetherian if it obeys the ascending chain condition with respect to inclusion, i.e., if every set of increasing sequences of submodules eventually becomes ...
An assemblage of faces forming a polyhedron of zero volume (Holden 1991, p. 124).
A group or other algebraic object is called non-Abelian if the law of commutativity does not always hold, i.e., if the object is not Abelian. For example, the group of ...
A geometry in which Archimedes' axiom does not hold.
The nonagon, also known as an enneagon, is a 9-sided polygon. Although the term "enneagon" is perhaps preferable (since it uses the Greek prefix and suffix instead of the ...
The star figure {9/3} composed of three equilateral triangles rotated at angles 0 degrees, 40 degrees, and 80 degrees. It has been called the star of Goliath by analogy with ...
An algebra which does not satisfy a(bc)=(ab)c is called a nonassociative algebra.
The number of nonassociative n-products with k elements preceding the rightmost left parameter is F(n,k) = F(n-1,k)+F(n-1,k-1) (1) = (n+k-2; k)-(n+k-1; k-1), (2) where (n; k) ...
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