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The symbol × used to denote multiplication, i.e., a×b denotes a times b. The symbol × is also used to denote a group direct product, a Cartesian product, or a direct product ...
A continuous homomorphism of a group into the nonzero complex numbers. A multiplicative character omega gives a group representation on the one-dimensional space C of complex ...
A function f(m) is called multiplicative if (m,m^')=1 (i.e., the statement that m and m^' are relatively prime) implies f(mm^')=f(m)f(m^') (Wilf 1994, p. 58). Examples of ...
Let n be a positive number having primitive roots. If g is a primitive root of n, then the numbers 1, g, g^2, ..., g^(phi(n)-1) form a reduced residue system modulo n, where ...
A number n for which the product of divisors is equal to n^2. The first few are 1, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 21, 22, ... (OEIS A007422).
A quantity by which another (the multiplicand) is multiplied. For example, in the expression a×b, a is the multiplier. The result of the multiplication of two or more ...
Multisection of a mathematical quantity or figure is division of it into a number of (usually) equal parts. Division of a quantity into two equal parts is known as bisection, ...
A set-like object in which order is ignored, but multiplicity is explicitly significant. Therefore, multisets {1,2,3} and {2,1,3} are equivalent, but {1,1,2,3} and {1,2,3} ...
A function of more than one variable.
A polynomial in more than one variable, e.g., .
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