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Let f and g be nonnegative and continuous functions on the closed interval [a,b], then the solid of revolution obtained by rotating the curves f(x) and g(x) about the x-axis ...
Given a metric g_(alphabeta), the discriminant is defined by g = det(g_(alphabeta)) (1) = |g_(11) g_(12); g_(21) g_(22)| (2) = g_(11)g_(22)-(g_(12))^2. (3) Let g be the ...
Also known as Kolmogorov entropy, Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, or KS entropy. The metric entropy is 0 for nonchaotic motion and >0 for chaotic motion.
A topology induced by the metric g defined on a metric space X. The open sets are all subsets that can be realized as the unions of open balls B(x_0,r)={x in X|g(x_0,x)<r}, ...
The minimum excluded value. The mex of a set S of nonnegative integers is the least nonnegative integer not in the set.
A sequence defined from a finite sequence a_0, a_1, ..., a_n by defining a_(n+1)=mex_(i)(a_i+a_(n-i)), where mex is the mex (minimum excluded value).
The middle levels conjecture, also known as revolving door conjecture, posits that the middle layer graph has a Hamilton cycle for every n>=1. The conjecture was proved by ...
Given order statistics Y_1=min_(j)X_j, Y_2, ..., Y_(N-1), Y_N=max_(j)X_j with sample size N, the midrange of the random sample is defined by MR=1/2(Y_1+Y_N) (Hogg and Craig ...
The n-roll mill curve is given by the equation x^n-(n; 2)x^(n-2)y^2+(n; 4)x^(n-4)y^4-...=a^n, where (n; k) is a binomial coefficient.
For a catastrophically unstable recurrence in one direction, any seed values for consecutive x_j and x_(j+1) will converge to the desired sequence of functions in the ...
