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The maximal matching-generating polynomial M_G(x) for the graph G may be defined as the polynomial M_G(x)=sum_(k=nu_L(G))^(nu(G))m_kx^k, where nu_L(G) is the lower matching ...
The ring of integers of a number field K, denoted O_K, is the set of algebraic integers in K, which is a ring of dimension d over Z, where d is the extension degree of K over ...
A member of a collection of sets is said to be maximal if it cannot be expanded to another member by addition of any element. Maximal sets are important in graph theory since ...
A maximal sum-free set is a set {a_1,a_2,...,a_n} of distinct natural numbers such that a maximum l of them satisfy a_(i_j)+a_(i_k)!=a_m, for 1<=j<k<=l, 1<=m<=n.
A set having the largest number k of distinct residue classes modulo m so that no subset has zero sum.
A set of vectors is maximally linearly independent if including any other vector in the vector space would make it linearly dependent (i.e., if any other vector in the space ...
The natural norm induced by the L-infty-norm is called the maximum absolute row sum norm and is defined by ||A||_infty=max_(i)sum_(j=1)^n|a_(ij)| for a matrix A. This matrix ...
A maximum irredundant set is an irredundant set of largest possible size in a graph. Note that a maximum irredundant set is not equivalent to a maximal irredundant set, which ...
A maximum likelihood estimator is a value of the parameter a such that the likelihood function is a maximum (Harris and Stocket 1998, p. 824).
The radical circle of the McCay circles has center (1) which is not a Kimberling center, and radius (2) where (3) Its circle function is (4) where (5) which is also does not ...
