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4771 - 4780 of 13134 for index theoremSearch Results
Two similar figures with parallel homologous lines and connectors of homologous points concurrent at the homothetic center are said to be in homothetic position. If two ...
Nonconcurrent triangles with parallel sides are always homothetic. Homothetic triangles are always perspective triangles. Their perspector is called their homothetic center.
One of the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms which states that, if f:(X,A)->(Y,B) is homotopic to g:(X,A)->(Y,B), then their induced maps f_*:H_n(X,A)->H_n(Y,B) and ...
An n-dimensional manifold M is said to be a homotopy sphere, if it is homotopy equivalent to the n-sphere S^n. Thus no homotopy group can distinguish between M and S^n. The ...
The branch of algebraic topology which deals with homotopy groups. Homotopy methods can be used to solve systems of polynomials by embedding the polynomials in a family of ...
The 6-polyiamonds illustrated above.
A formula for the number of Young tableaux associated with a given Ferrers diagram. In each box, write the sum of one plus the number of boxes horizontally to the right and ...
The prime link 02-0201 which has Jones polynomial V(t)=-t-t^(-1) and HOMFLY polynomial P(z,alpha)=z^(-1)(alpha^(-1)-alpha^(-3))+zalpha^(-1). It has braid word sigma_1^2.
The configuration formed by two curves starting at a point, called the vertex V, in a common direction. Horn angles are concrete illustrations of non-Archimedean geometries.
The inversion of a horn torus. If the inversion center lies on the torus, then the horn cyclide degenerates to a parabolic horn cyclide.
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