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Let f be differentiable on the open interval (a,b) and continuous on the closed interval [a,b]. Then if f(a)=f(b), then there is at least one point c in (a,b) where f^'(c)=0. ...
For algebraic alpha |alpha-p/q|<1/(q^(2+epsilon)), with epsilon>0, has finitely many solutions. Klaus Roth received a Fields medal for this result.
An analytic refinement of results from complex analysis such as those codified by Picard's little theorem, Picard's great theorem, and the Weierstrass-Casorati theorem.
If equilateral triangles DeltaABE_(AB), DeltaBCE_(BC), and DeltaACE_(AC) are erected externally on the sides of any triangle DeltaABC, then their centers N_(AB), N_(BC), and ...
Any link can be represented by a closed braid.
Among the continuous functions on R^n, the positive definite functions are those functions which are the Fourier transforms of nonnegative Borel measures.
If O_(p^')(G)=1 and if x is a p-element of G, then L_(p^')(C_G(x))<=E(C_G(x)), where L_(p^') is the p-layer.
If X and Y are independent variates and X+Y is a normal distribution, then both X and Y must have normal distributions. This was proved by Cramér in 1936.
For a finite group of h elements with an n_ith dimensional ith irreducible representation, sum_(i)n_i^2=h.
A simple graph with n>=3 graph vertices in which each graph vertex has vertex degree >=n/2 has a Hamiltonian cycle.