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For a cyclic quadrilateral, the sum of the products of the two pairs of opposite sides equals the product of the diagonals AB×CD+BC×DA=AC×BD (1) (Kimberling 1998, p. 223). ...
A type of cryptography in which the encoding key is revealed without compromising the encoded message. The two best-known methods are the knapsack problem and RSA encryption.
A diagram used in the solution of ordinary differential equations of the form (dw)/(dz)=(g(z,w))/(h(z,q)) which vanish when z=0, where g(0,0)=h(0,0)=0 (Ince 1956, pp. 298 and ...
A power series containing fractional exponents (Davenport et al. 1993, p. 91) and logarithms, where the logarithms may be multiply nested, e.g., lnlnx.
The whole neighborhood of any point y_i of an algebraic curve may be uniformly represented by a certain finite number of convergent developments in power series, ...
A pullback is a general categorical operation appearing in a number of mathematical contexts, sometimes going under a different name. If T:V->W is a linear transformation ...
The complex plane C with the origin removed, i.e., C-{0}. The punctured plane is sometimes denoted C^* (although this notation conflicts with that for the Riemann sphere C-*, ...
A set S with a single point P removed is called a punctured set, written S\{P}.
A complex number z is said to be purely imaginary if it has no real part, i.e., R[z]=0. The term is often used in preference to the simpler "imaginary" in situations where z ...
An algebraic extension K over a field F is a purely inseparable extension if the algebraic number minimal polynomial of any element has only one root, possibly with ...
