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Given a homogeneous linear second-order ordinary differential equation, y^('')+P(x)y^'+Q(x)y=0, (1) call the two linearly independent solutions y_1(x) and y_2(x). Then ...
The duplication formula for Rogers L-function follows from Abel's functional equation and is given by 1/2L(x^2)=L(x)-L(x/(1+x)).
Let L(x) denote the Rogers L-function defined in terms of the usual dilogarithm by L(x) = 6/(pi^2)[Li_2(x)+1/2lnxln(1-x)] (1) = ...
In general, polynomial equations higher than fourth degree are incapable of algebraic solution in terms of a finite number of additions, subtractions, multiplications, ...
Let {f_n} and {a_n} be sequences with f_n>=f_(n+1)>0 for n=1, 2, ..., then |sum_(n=1)^ma_nf_n|<=Af_1, where A=max{|a_1|,|a_1+a_2|,...,|a_1+a_2+...+a_m|}.
Abel's integral is the definite integral I = int_0^infty(tdt)/((e^(pit)-e^(-pit))(t^2+1)) (1) = 1/2int_(-infty)^infty(tdt)/((e^(pit)-e^(-pit))(t^2+1)) (2) = ...
If one root of the equation f(x)=0, which is irreducible over a field K, is also a root of the equation F(x)=0 in K, then all the roots of the irreducible equation f(x)=0 are ...
The pure equation x^p=C of prime degree p is irreducible over a field when C is a number of the field but not the pth power of an element of the field. Jeffreys and Jeffreys ...
Let {u_n(x)} be a sequence of functions. If 1. u_n(x) can be written u_n(x)=a_nf_n(x), 2. suma_n is convergent, 3. f_n(x) is a monotonic decreasing sequence (i.e., ...
For a finite group G, let p(G) be the subgroup generated by all the Sylow p-subgroups of G. If X is a projective curve in characteristic p>0, and if x_0, ..., x_t are points ...
