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A string or word is said to be admissible if that word appears in a given sequence. For example, in the sequence aabaabaabaabaab..., a, aa, baab are all admissible, but bb is ...
Adomian polynomials decompose a function u(x,t) into a sum of components u(x,t)=sum_(n=0)^inftyu_n(x,t) (1) for a nonlinear operator F as F(u(x,t))=sum_(n=0)^inftyA_n. (2) ...
Every finite-dimensional Lie algebra of characteristic p=0 has a faithful finite-dimensional representation.
The adjective "affine" indicates everything that is related to the geometry of affine spaces. A coordinate system for the n-dimensional affine space R^n is determined by any ...
The set A^2 of all ordered pairs of complex numbers.
The coordinates representing any point of an n-dimensional affine space A by an n-tuple of real numbers, thus establishing a one-to-one correspondence between A and R^n. If V ...
A nonhomogeneous linear equation or system of nonhomogeneous linear systems of equations is said to be affine.
Affine functions represent vector-valued functions of the form f(x_1,...,x_n)=A_1x_1+...+A_nx_n+b. The coefficients can be scalars or dense or sparse matrices. The constant ...
An affine geometry is a geometry in which properties are preserved by parallel projection from one plane to another. In an affine geometry, the third and fourth of Euclid's ...
The set of all nonsingular affine transformations of a translation in space constitutes a group known as the affine group. The affine group contains the full linear group and ...
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