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The Schröder-Bernstein theorem for numbers states that if n<=m<=n, then m=n. For sets, the theorem states that if there are injections of the set A into the set B and of B ...
A class of subvarieties of the Grassmannian G(n,m,K). Given m integers 1<=a_1<...<a_m<=n, the Schubert variety Omega(a_1,...,a_m) is the set of points of G(n,m,K) ...
A Lie group is called semisimple if its Lie algebra is semisimple. For example, the special linear group SL(n) and special orthogonal group SO(n) (over R or C) are ...
The Shi-Krotov-Solé graph is a weakly regular graph on 1024 vertices with regular parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(1024,33,2,(0,2)). It is distance-regular but not ...
Let delta=z>=z_(observed). A value 0<=alpha<=1 such that P(delta)<=alpha is considered "significant" (i.e., is not simply due to chance) is known as an alpha value. The ...
A pathwise-connected domain is said to be simply connected (also called 1-connected) if any simple closed curve can be shrunk to a point continuously in the set. If the ...
The Simson cubic is the triangle cubic that is the locus of tripoles of the Simson lines of a triangle DeltaABC. It has trilinear equation ...
Squarefree factorization is a first step in many factoring algorithms. It factors nonsquarefree polynomials in terms of squarefree factors that are relatively prime. It can ...
A superabundant number is a composite number n such that sigma(n)/n>sigma(k)/k for all k<n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function. Superabundant numbers are closely related ...
The survival function describes the probability that a variate X takes on a value greater than a number x (Evans et al. 2000, p. 6). The survival function is therefore ...
