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A subset X of R^n is star convex if there exists an x_0 in X such that the line segment from x_0 to any point in X is contained in X. A star-shaped figure is star convex but ...
A notation for large numbers defined by Steinhaus (1983, pp. 28-29). In this notation, denotes n^n, denotes "n in n triangles," and denotes "n in n squares." A modified ...
phi(A)+phi(B)-phi(A union B)>=phi(A intersection B).
A condition used in the definition of a mathematical object, commonly denoted : or |. For example, the rationals Q can be defined by Q={p/q:q!=0,p,q in Z}, read as "the set ...
The superdiagonal of a square matrix is the set of elements directly above the elements comprising the diagonal. For example, in the following matrix, the diagonal elements ...
Sylvester's criterion states that a matrix M is positive definite iff the determinants associated with all upper-left submatrices of M are positive.
The numbers of eigenvalues that are positive, negative, or 0 do not change under a congruence transformation. Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2000) state it as follows: when a ...
A relation R on a set S is symmetric provided that for every x and y in S we have xRy iff yRx. The symmetric relations on n nodes are isomorphic with the rooted graphs on n ...
A map T:(M_1,omega_1)->(M_2,omega_2) between the symplectic manifolds (M_1,omega_1) and (M_2,omega_2) which is a diffeomorphism and T^*(omega_2)=omega_1, where T^* is the ...
A symplectic form on a smooth manifold M is a smooth closed 2-form omega on M which is nondegenerate such that at every point m, the alternating bilinear form omega_m on the ...
