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The domain of Booleans, sometimes denoted B, consisting of the elements True and False, implemented in the Wolfram Language as Booleans. In the Wolfram Language, a quantity ...
The Buchstab function omega(u) is defined by the delay differential equation {uomega(u)=1 for 1<=u<=2; (uomega(u))^'=omega(u-1) for u>2 (1) (Panario 1998). It approaches the ...
The Riemann sphere C^*=C union {infty}, also called the extended complex plane. The notation C^^ is sometimes also used (Krantz 1999, p. 82). The notation C^* is also used to ...
A function f is Carathéodory differentiable at a if there exists a function phi which is continuous at a such that f(x)-f(a)=phi(x)(x-a). Every function which is Carathéodory ...
Find consecutive powers, i.e., solutions to x^p-y^q=+/-1, excluding 0 and 1. Catalan's conjecture states that the only solution is 3^2-2^3=1, so 8 and 9 (2^3 and 3^2) are the ...
Let t be a nonnegative integer and let x_1, ..., x_t be nonzero elements of Z_p which are not necessarily distinct. Then the number of elements of Z_p that can be written as ...
Let X_1,X_2 subset P^2 be cubic plane curves meeting in nine points p_1, ..., p_9. If X subset P^2 is any cubic containing p_1, ..., p_8, then X contains p_9 as well. It is ...
The linear fractional transformation z|->(i-z)/(i+z) that maps the upper half-plane {z:I[z]>0} conformally onto the unit disk {z:|z|<1}.
If a one-parameter family of curves has index N and class M, the number tangent to a curve of order n_1 and class m_1 in general position is m_1N+n_1M.
int_a^bf_1(x)dxint_a^bf_2(x)dx...int_a^bf_n(x)dx <=(b-a)^(n-1)int_a^bf_1(x)f_2(x)...f_n(x)dx, where f_1, f_2, ..., f_n are nonnegative integrable functions on [a,b] which are ...
