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A syllogism, also known as a rule of inference, is a formal logical scheme used to draw a conclusion from a set of premises. An example of a syllogism is modus ponens.
Sylvester's criterion states that a matrix M is positive definite iff the determinants associated with all upper-left submatrices of M are positive.
Given a matrix A, let |A| denote its determinant. Then |A||A_(rs,pq)|=|A_(r,p)||A_(s,q)|-|A_(r,q)||A_(s,p)|, (1) where A_(u,w) is the submatrix of A formed by the ...
The numbers of eigenvalues that are positive, negative, or 0 do not change under a congruence transformation. Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2000) state it as follows: when a ...
Diagonalize a form over the rationals to diag[p^a·A,p^b·B,...], where all the entries are integers and A, B, ... are relatively prime to p. Then Sylvester's signature is the ...
The resultant of the vectors represented by the three radii from the center of a triangle's circumcircle to its polygon vertices is the segment extending from the ...
The study of the meaning and relationships of statements used to represent precise mathematical ideas. Symbolic logic is also called formal logic.
The symmedial circle is the circumcircle of the symmedial triangle. It has circle function l=(bc(a^4-a^2b^2-b^4-a^2c^2-b^2c^2-c^4))/(2(a^2+b^2)(a^2+c^2)(b^2+c^2)), (1) which ...
A mathematical object is said to be symmetric if it is invariant ("looks the same") under a symmetry transformation. A function, matrix, etc., is symmetric if it remains ...
Two points z and z^S in C^* are symmetric with respect to a circle or straight line L if all circles and straight lines passing through z and z^S are orthogonal to L. Möbius ...