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2051 - 2060 of 13134 for gas kinetic theorySearch Results
The use of permil (a.k.a. parts per thousand) is a way of expressing ratios in terms of whole numbers. Given a ratio or fraction, it is converted to a permil-age by ...
int_0^z(t^mu)/(1+t)dt=z/(mu+1+((mu+1)^2z)/((mu+2)-(mu+1)z+((mu+2)^2z)/((mu+3)-(mu+2)z+...))) for mu>-1 and -1<z<=1 (Perron 1954-1957, p. 18; Borwein et al. 2004, p. 35).
An analog of the determinant for number triangles defined as a signed sum indexed by set partitions of {1,...,n} into pairs of elements. The Pfaffian is the square root of ...
The addition of two quantities, i.e., a plus b. The operation is denoted a+b, and the symbol + is called the plus sign. Floating-point addition is sometimes denoted direct ...
Let p be an odd prime, k be an integer such that pk and 1<=k<=2(p+1), and N=2kp+1. Then the following are equivalent 1. N is prime. 2. There exists an a such that ...
Let n-1=FR where F is the factored part of a number F=p_1^(a_1)...p_r^(a_r), (1) where (R,F)=1, and R<sqrt(n). Pocklington's theorem, also known as the Pocklington-Lehmer ...
f(z)=k/((cz+d)^r)f((az+b)/(cz+d)) where I[z]>0.
A pointed space is a topological space X together with a choice of a basepoint x in X. The notation for a pointed space is (X,x). Maps between two pointed spaces must take ...
The hypothesis is that, for X is a measure space, f_n(x)->f(x) for each x in X, as n->infty. The hypothesis may be weakened to almost everywhere convergence.
The Reidemeister move of type II.
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