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491 - 500 of 782 for fractional Hall quantum effectSearch Results
The McLaughlin graph is a 112-regular graph on 275 nodes and 15400 edges that can be constructed from the Witt design. It is distance-regular with intersection array ...
"Analysis of Variance." A statistical test for heterogeneity of means by analysis of group variances. ANOVA is implemented as ANOVA[data] in the Wolfram Language package ...
Abstract algebra is the set of advanced topics of algebra that deal with abstract algebraic structures rather than the usual number systems. The most important of these ...
The vector triple product identity Ax(BxC)=B(A·C)-C(A·B). This identity can be generalized to n dimensions,
The algebraic identity (sum_(i=1)^na_ic_i)(sum_(i=1)^nb_id_i)-(sum_(i=1)^na_id_i)(sum_(i=1)^nb_ic_i) =sum_(1<=i<j<=n)(a_ib_j-a_jb_i)(c_id_j-c_jd_i). (1) Letting c_i=a_i and ...
Black-Scholes theory is the theory underlying financial derivatives which involves stochastic calculus and assumes an uncorrelated log normal distribution of continuously ...
Every Boolean algebra is isomorphic to the Boolean algebra of sets. The theorem is equivalent to the maximal ideal theorem, which can be proved without using the axiom of ...
The set of all sets is its own power set. Therefore, the cardinal number of the set of all sets must be bigger than itself.
The clique covering number theta(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of cliques in G needed to cover the vertex set of G. Since theta(G) involves the minimum number of ...
Combinatorics is the branch of mathematics studying the enumeration, combination, and permutation of sets of elements and the mathematical relations that characterize their ...