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241 - 250 of 782 for fractional Hall quantum effectSearch Results
Any nonzero rational number x can be represented by x=(p^ar)/s, (1) where p is a prime number, r and s are integers not divisible by p, and a is a unique integer. The p-adic ...
The qubit |psi>=a|0>+b|1> can be represented as a point (theta,phi) on a unit sphere called the Bloch sphere. Define the angles theta and phi by letting a=cos(theta/2) and ...
The function [x] which gives the smallest integer >=x, shown as the thick curve in the above plot. Schroeder (1991) calls the ceiling function symbols the "gallows" because ...
The Bernoulli numbers B_n are a sequence of signed rational numbers that can be defined by the exponential generating function x/(e^x-1)=sum_(n=0)^infty(B_nx^n)/(n!). (1) ...
A general reciprocity theorem for all orders which covered all other known reciprocity theorems when proved by E. Artin in 1927. If R is a number field and R^' a finite ...
The linear fractional transformation z|->(i-z)/(i+z) that maps the upper half-plane {z:I[z]>0} conformally onto the unit disk {z:|z|<1}.
A complex map is a map f:C->C. The following table lists several common types of complex maps. map formula domain complex magnification f(z)=az a in R, a>0 complex rotation ...
For a real number x, the mantissa is defined as the positive fractional part x-|_x_|=frac(x), where |_x_| denotes the floor function. For example, for x=3.14159, the mantissa ...
The term "quotient" is most commonly used to refer to the ratio q=r/s of two quantities r and s, where s!=0. Less commonly, the term quotient is also used to mean the integer ...
Let K be a number field and let O be an order in K. Then the set of equivalence classes of invertible fractional ideals of O forms a multiplicative Abelian group called the ...
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