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In many cases, the Hausdorff dimension correctly describes the correction term for a resonator with fractal perimeter in Lorentz's conjecture. However, in general, the proper ...
A substitution system in which rules are used to operate on a string consisting of letters of a certain alphabet. String rewriting systems are also variously known as ...
For a fractal process with values y(t-Deltat) and y(t+Deltat), the correlation between these two values is given by the Brown function r=2^(2H-1)-1, also known as the ...
The nth-order Menger sponge graph is the connectivity graph of cubes in the nth iteration of the Menger sponge fractal. The first two iterations are shown above. The n-Menger ...
A class of curve defined at integer values which hops from one value to another. Their name derives from the Greek word betaalphataurhoalphachiiotaomicronnu batrachion, which ...
A Julia set fractal obtained by iterating the function z_(n+1)=c(z_n-sgn(R[z_n])), where sgn(x) is the sign function and R[z] is the real part of z. The plot above sets ...
The Koch snowflake is a fractal curve, also known as the Koch island, which was first described by Helge von Koch in 1904. It is built by starting with an equilateral ...
The Blancmange function, also called the Takagi fractal curve (Peitgen and Saupe 1988), is a pathological continuous function which is nowhere differentiable. Its name ...
Although a numerically computed chaotic trajectory diverges exponentially from the true trajectory with the same initial coordinates, there exists an errorless trajectory ...
The nth-order Sierpiński carpet graph is the connectivity graph of black squares in the nth iteration of the Sierpiński carpet fractal. The first three iterations are shown ...
