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There are two functions commonly denoted mu, each of which is defined in terms of integrals. Another unrelated mathematical function represented using the Greek letter mu is ...
Let A be a non-unital C^*-algebra. There is a unique (up to isomorphism) unital C^*-algebra which contains A as an essential ideal and is maximal in the sense that any other ...
The Nechushtan graph, illustrated above, is a 10-vertex 5-chromatic graph that is unit-distance in 3 dimensions. It was used by Nechushtan (2002) in the construction of of a ...
Newton's method, also called the Newton-Raphson method, is a root-finding algorithm that uses the first few terms of the Taylor series of a function f(x) in the vicinity of a ...
A nilpotent Lie group is a Lie group G which is connected and whose Lie algebra is a nilpotent Lie algebra g. That is, its Lie algebra lower central series ...
An odd permutation is a permutation obtainable from an odd number of two-element swaps, i.e., a permutation with permutation symbol equal to -1. For initial set {1,2,3,4}, ...
An odious number is a nonnegative number that has an odd number of 1s in its binary expansion. The first few odious numbers are therefore 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, ...
A subset {v_1,...,v_k} of a vector space V, with the inner product <,>, is called orthogonal if <v_i,v_j>=0 when i!=j. That is, the vectors are mutually perpendicular. Note ...
Let 0<p_1<p_2<... be integers and suppose that there exists a lambda>1 such that p_(j+1)/p_j>lambda for j=1, 2, .... Suppose that for some sequence of complex numbers {a_j} ...
A set of two numbers or objects linked in some way is said to be a pair. The pair a and b is usually denoted (a, b), and is generally considered to be ordered, making it a ...
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