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Using disk point picking, x = sqrt(r)costheta (1) y = sqrt(r)sintheta (2) for r in [0,1], theta in [0,2pi), choose two points at random in a unit disk and find the ...
The pedal curve of a rectangular hyperbola with the pedal point at the focus is a circle (left figure; Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen 1999, p. 26). The pedal curve of a rectangular ...
A locus is the set of all points (usually forming a curve or surface) satisfying some condition. For example, the locus of points in the plane equidistant from a given point ...
Any entire analytic function whose range omits two points must be a constant function. Of course, an entire function that omits a single point from its range need not be a ...
A self-isogonal cubic us a triangle cubic that is invariant under isogonal conjugation. The term is commonly applied to mean a pivotal isogonal cubic, in which points P lying ...
A self-isotomic cubic us a triangle cubic that is invariant under isotomic conjugation. The term is commonly applied to mean a pivotal isotomic cubic, in which points P lying ...
A straight line is tangent to a given curve f(x) at a point x_0 on the curve if the line passes through the point (x_0,f(x_0)) on the curve and has slope f^'(x_0), where ...
A locally finite space is one for which every point of a given space has a neighborhood that meets only finitely many elements of any cover.
A vector field is a section of its tangent bundle, meaning that to every point x in a manifold M, a vector X(x) in T_xM is associated, where T_x is the tangent space.
An algebraic curve over a field K is an equation f(X,Y)=0, where f(X,Y) is a polynomial in X and Y with coefficients in K. A nonsingular algebraic curve is an algebraic curve ...
