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A proposition is a mathematical statement such as "3 is greater than 4," "an infinite set exists," or "7 is prime." An axiom is a proposition that is assumed to be true. With ...
A curve similar to the sine function but possibly shifted in phase, period, amplitude, or any combination thereof. The general sinusoid of amplitude a, angular frequency ...
The ordinal number of a value in a list arranged in a specified order (usually decreasing).
Let P be a prime ideal in D_m not containing m. Then (Phi(P))=P^(sumtsigma_t^(-1)), where the sum is over all 1<=t<m which are relatively prime to m. Here D_m is the ring of ...
If p and q are distinct odd primes, then the quadratic reciprocity theorem states that the congruences x^2=q (mod p) x^2=p (mod q) (1) are both solvable or both unsolvable ...
If there exists a rational integer x such that, when n, p, and q are positive integers, x^n=q (mod p), then q is the n-adic residue of p, i.e., q is an n-adic residue of p ...
A wide variety of large numbers crop up in mathematics. Some are contrived, but some actually arise in proofs. Often, it is possible to prove existence theorems by deriving ...
The hypersine (n-dimensional sine function) is a function of a vertex angle of an n-dimensional parallelotope or simplex. If the content of the parallelotope is P and the ...
The abundancy of a number n is defined as the ratio sigma(n)/n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function. For n=1, 2, ..., the first few values are 1, 3/2, 4/3, 7/4, 6/5, 2, ...
Take K a number field and L an Abelian extension, then form a prime divisor m that is divided by all ramified primes of the extension L/K. Now define a map phi_(L/K) from the ...