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Any system of phi(n) integers, where phi(n) is the totient function, representing all the residue classes relatively prime to n is called a reduced residue system (Nagell ...
A map which uses a set of rules to transform elements of a sequence into a new sequence using a set of rules which "translate" from the original sequence to its ...
A coordinate system which has a metric satisfying g_(ii)=-1 and partialg_(ij)/partialx_j=0.
For {M_i}_(i in I) a family of R-modules indexed by a directed set I, let sigma_(ij):M_i->M_j i<=j be an R-module homomorphism. Call (M_i,sigma_(ij)) a direct system over I ...
For {M_i}_(i in I) a family of R-modules indexed by a directed set I, let sigma_(ji):M_j->M_i i<=j be an R-module homomorphism. Call (M_i,sigma_(ji)) an inverse system over I ...
A system for specifying points using coordinates measured in some specified way. The simplest coordinate system consists of coordinate axes oriented perpendicularly to each ...
A tag system is set of rules that specifies a fixed number of elements (commonly denoted nu or beta) be removed from the beginning of a sequence and a set of elements to be ...
A skew coordinate system is a system of curvilinear coordinates in which each family of surfaces intersects the others at angles other than right angles. Skew coordinate ...
A linear system of equations is a set of n linear equations in k variables (sometimes called "unknowns"). Linear systems can be represented in matrix form as the matrix ...
The circumcircle, Brocard circle, Lemoine axis, and isodynamic points belong to a coaxal system orthogonal to the Apollonius circles, called the Schoute coaxal system. In ...
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