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The north pole is the point on a sphere with maximum z-coordinate for a given coordinate system. For a rotating sphere like the Earth, the natural coordinate system is ...
The base-20 notational system for representing real numbers. The digits used to represent numbers using vigesimal notation are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, ...
The set of all zero-systems of a group G is denoted B(G) and is called the block monoid of G since it forms a commutative monoid under the operation of zero-system addition ...
Let x->y and u->v be two rules of a term rewriting system, and suppose these rules have no variables in common. If they do, rename the variables. If x_1 is a subterm of x (or ...
A strict order > on the set of terms of a term rewriting system is called a reduction order if 1. The set of terms is well ordered with respect to >, that is, all its ...
The Church-Rosser theorem states that lambda calculus as a reduction system with lambda conversion rules satisfies the Church-Rosser property.
Multivariate analysis is the simultaneous statistical consideration of relationships among many measured properties of a given system (Gould 1996, p. 42).
A strange loop is a phenomenon in which, whenever movement is made upwards or downwards through the levels of some hierarchical system, the system unexpectedly arrives back ...
There are several different definitions of conical coordinates defined by Morse and Feshbach (1953), Byerly (1959), Arfken (1970), and Moon and Spencer (1988). The ...
A differential-algebraic equation (DAE) is a type of differential equation in which the derivatives are not (in general) expressed explicitly, and typically derivatives of ...
