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When |x|<1/2, (1-x)^(-a)_2F_1(a,b;c;-x/(1-x))=_2F_1(a,c-b;c;x).
An analog of the determinant for number triangles defined as a signed sum indexed by set partitions of {1,...,n} into pairs of elements. The Pfaffian is the square root of ...
A 1-form omega=sum_(i=1)^na_i(x)dx_i such that omega=0.
The angular position of a quantity. For example, the phase of a function cos(omegat+phi_0) as a function of time is phi(t)=omegat+phi_0. The complex argument of a complex ...
A phase curve is a plot of the solution to a set of equations of motion in a phase plane (or more generally, a phase space) as a function of time (Tabor 1989, p. 14). Phase ...
The motion along a phase curve as a function of time (Tabor 1989, p. 14).
For a function with 2 degrees of freedom, the 2-dimensional phase space that is accessible to the function or object is called its phase plane.
A phase portrait is a plot of multiple phase curves corresponding to different initial conditions in the same phase plane (Tabor 1989, p. 14). Phase portraits for simple ...
For a system of n first-order ordinary differential equations (or more generally, Pfaffian forms), the 2n-dimensional space consisting of the possible values of ...
Erdős and Rényi (1960) showed that for many monotone-increasing properties of random graphs, graphs of a size slightly less than a certain threshold are very unlikely to have ...
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