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A set P is called perfect if P=P^', where P^' is the derived set of P.
The term perfect square is used to refer to a square number, a perfect square dissection, or a factorable quadratic polynomial of the form a^2+/-2ab+b^2=(a+/-b)^2.
A square which can be dissected into a number of smaller squares with no two equal is called a perfect square dissection (or a squared square). Square dissections in which ...
If G is a weighted tree with weights w_i>1 assigned to each vertex v_i, then G is perfectly weighted if the matrix M_G=[w_1 0 ... 0; 0 w_2 ... 0; | ... ... |; 0 0 ... ...
The portion of a surface left when an open disk is removed from it.
The smallest radial distance of an ellipse as measured from a focus. Taking v=0 in the equation of an ellipse r=(a(1-e^2))/(1+ecosv) gives the periapsis distance r_-=a(1-e). ...
The term perimeter refers either to the curve constituting the boundary of a lamina or else to the length of this boundary. The perimeter of a circle is called the ...
A sum over all cluster perimeters.
The interval (generally, the smallest interval) over which the values of a periodic function recur. Functions may have one or more periods over time and in space.
A characteristic of some systems making a transition to chaos. Doubling is followed by quadrupling, etc. An example of a map displaying period doubling is the logistic map.
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