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An attractive compound can be constructed of 6 pentagonal prisms having unit edge lengths, as illustrated above. A net for the solid is illustrated above, where s_1 = ...
A pentagonal pyramid is pyramid having a pentagonal base. The edge length e and slant height s of a pentagonal pyramid with regular base of side length a are given by e = ...
A figurate number corresponding to a pentagonal pyramid. The first few are 1, 6, 18, 40, 75, ... (OEIS A002411). The generating function for the pentagonal pyramidal numbers ...
The pentagonal rotunda is a convex polyhedron consisting of half of an icosidodecahedron, with the base being filled in by a decagon. It has 10 triangular and five pentagonal ...
A number which is simultaneously a pentagonal number P_n and a square number S_m. Such numbers exist when 1/2n(3n-1)=m^2. (1) Completing the square gives ...
A pentagonal square triangular number is a number that is simultaneously a pentagonal number P_l, a square number S_m, and a triangular number T_n. This requires a solution ...
A trapezohedron that is the dual polyhedron of the pentagonal antiprism U_(77). It is also (confusingly) known as the pentagonal deltohedron.
A number which is simultaneously a pentagonal number P_n and triangular number T_m. Such numbers exist when 1/2n(3n-1)=1/2m(m+1). (1) Completing the square gives ...
The pentagonal wegde is one of the seven topologically distinct convex hexahedra. Like the cube, it contains 8 vertices, 12 edges, and 6 faces, but its faces consist of 2 ...
The pentagonal wedge graph is the skeleton of the pentagonal wedge. It is a has 8 vertices, 12 edges, and 6 faces. The pentagonal wedge graph is implemented in the Wolfram ...
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