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Let G be a group and theta n permutation of G. Then theta is an orthomorphism of G if the self-mapping nu of G defined by nu(x)=x^(-1)theta(x) is also an permutation of G.
A subset {v_1,...,v_k} of a vector space V, with the inner product <,>, is called orthonormal if <v_i,v_j>=0 when i!=j. That is, the vectors are mutually perpendicular. ...
A pair of functions phi_i(x) and phi_j(x) are orthonormal if they are orthogonal and each normalized so that int_a^b[phi_i(x)]^2w(x)dx = 1 (1) int_a^b[phi_j(x)]^2w(x)dx = 1. ...
An orthonormal set is a set of normalized orthogonal vectors or functions.
Unit vectors which are orthogonal are said to be orthonormal.
The orthopoles of a line l with respect to the four triangles formed by three out of four vertices of any quadrilateral ABCD lie on a straight line L known as the orthopolar ...
If perpendiculars A^', B^', and C^' are dropped on any line L from the vertices of a triangle DeltaABC, then the perpendiculars to the opposite sides from their perpendicular ...
The orthoptic circle of the Steiner inellipse is the circle with center at alpha_2=1/a, (1) corresponding to the triangle centroid G and radius ...
An isoptic curve formed from the locus of tangents meeting at right angles. The orthoptic of a parabola is its conic section directrix. The orthoptic of a central conic was ...
Given a source S and a curve gamma, pick a point on gamma and find its tangent T. Then the locus of reflections of S about tangents T is the orthotomic curve (also known as ...
