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A square integrable function phi(t) is said to be normal if int[phi(t)]^2dt=1. However, the normal distribution function is also sometimes called "the normal function."
A line along a normal vector (i.e., perpendicular to some tangent line). If K subset R^d is a centrosymmetric set which has a twice differentiable boundary, then there are ...
A square matrix A is a normal matrix if [A,A^(H)]=AA^(H)-A^(H)A=0, where [a,b] is the commutator and A^(H) denotes the conjugate transpose. For example, the matrix [i 0; 0 ...
A number is said to be simply normal to base b if its base-b expansion has each digit appearing with average frequency tending to b^(-1). A normal number is an irrational ...
A function f(n) has the normal order F(n) if f(n) is approximately F(n) for almost all values of n. More precisely, if (1-epsilon)F(n)<f(n)<(1+epsilon)F(n) for every positive ...
The plane spanned by the normal vector N and the binormal vector B.
In every residue class modulo p, there is exactly one integer polynomial with coefficients >=0 and <=p-1. This polynomial is called the normal polynomial modulo p in the ...
The distribution of a product of two normally distributed variates X and Y with zero means and variances sigma_x^2 and sigma_y^2 is given by P_(XY)(u) = ...
The ratio X/Y of independent normally distributed variates with zero mean is distributed with a Cauchy distribution. This can be seen as follows. Let X and Y both have mean 0 ...
Let M subset R^3 be a regular surface and u_(p) a unit tangent vector to M, and let Pi(u_(p),N(p)) be the plane determined by u_(p) and the normal to the surface N(p). Then ...
