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A generalization of the polylogarithm function defined by S_(n,p)(z)=((-1)^(n+p-1))/((n-1)!p!)int_0^1((lnt)^(n-1)[ln(1-zt)]^p)/tdt. The function reduces to the usual ...
Nielsen's spiral, also called the sici spiral (von Seggern 1993) is the spiral with parametric equations x(t) = aci(t) (1) y(t) = asi(t), (2) where ci(t) is the cosine ...
The geometry of the Lie group consisting of real matrices of the form [1 x y; 0 1 z; 0 0 1], i.e., the Heisenberg group.
Let N be a nilpotent, connected, simply connected Lie group, and let D be a discrete subgroup of N with compact right quotient space. Then N/D is called a nilmanifold.
An algebra, also called a nilalgebra, consisting only of nilpotent Elements.
An element B of a ring is nilpotent if there exists a positive integer k for which B^k=0.
A group G is nilpotent if the upper central sequence 1=Z_0<=Z_1<=Z_2<=...<=Z_n<=... of the group terminates with Z_n=G for some n. Nilpotent groups have the property that ...
A Lie algebra is nilpotent when its Lie algebra lower central series g_k vanishes for some k. Any nilpotent Lie algebra is also solvable. The basic example of a nilpotent Lie ...
A nilpotent Lie group is a Lie group G which is connected and whose Lie algebra is a nilpotent Lie algebra g. That is, its Lie algebra lower central series ...
There are two equivalent definitions for a nilpotent matrix. 1. A square matrix whose eigenvalues are all 0. 2. A square matrix A such that A^n is the zero matrix 0 for some ...
