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A module is a mathematical object in which things can be added together commutatively by multiplying coefficients and in which most of the rules of manipulating vectors hold. ...
The direct sum of modules A and B is the module A direct sum B={a direct sum b|a in A,b in B}, (1) where all algebraic operations are defined componentwise. In particular, ...
Let a module M in an integral domain D_1 for R(sqrt(D)) be expressed using a two-element basis as M=[xi_1,xi_2], where xi_1 and xi_2 are in D_1. Then the different of the ...
A module homomorphism is a map f:M->N between modules over a ring R which preserves both the addition and the multiplication by scalars. In symbols this means that ...
The kernel of a module homomorphism f:M-->N is the set of all elements of M which are mapped to zero. It is the kernel of f as a homomorphism of additive groups, and is a ...
The length of all composition series of a module M. According to the Jordan-Hölder theorem for modules, if M has any composition series, then all such series are equivalent. ...
Module multiplicity is a number associated with every nonzero finitely generated graded module M over a graded ring R for which the Hilbert series is defined. If dim(M)=d, ...
The tensor product between modules A and B is a more general notion than the vector space tensor product. In this case, we replace "scalars" by a ring R. The familiar ...
In algebraic geometry classification problems, an algebraic variety (or other appropriate space in other parts of geometry) whose points correspond to the equivalence classes ...
A modulo multiplication group is a finite group M_m of residue classes prime to m under multiplication mod m. M_m is Abelian of group order phi(m), where phi(m) is the ...
