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The graph diameter of a graph is the length max_(u,v)d(u,v) of the "longest shortest path" (i.e., the longest graph geodesic) between any two graph vertices (u,v), where ...
The graph difference of graphs G and H is the graph with adjacency matrix given by the difference of adjacency matrices of G and H. A graph difference is defined when the ...
Let the vertices of a graph G be numbered with distinct integers 1 to |G|. Then the dilation of G is the maximum (absolute) difference between integers assigned to adjacent ...
The dimension e(G), also called the Euclidean dimension (e.g., Buckley and Harary 1988) of a graph, is the smallest dimension n of Euclidean n-space in which G can be ...
A graph cycle.
The distance d(u,v) between two vertices u and v of a finite graph is the minimum length of the paths connecting them (i.e., the length of a graph geodesic). If no such path ...
The graph distance matrix, sometimes also called the all-pairs shortest path matrix, is the square matrix (d_(ij)) consisting of all graph distances from vertex v_i to vertex ...
The eccentricity epsilon(v) of a graph vertex v in a connected graph G is the maximum graph distance between v and any other vertex u of G. For a disconnected graph, all ...
For an undirected graph, an unordered pair of nodes that specify a line joining these two nodes are said to form an edge. For a directed graph, the edge is an ordered pair of ...
The eigenvalues of a graph are defined as the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix. The set of eigenvalues of a graph is called a graph spectrum. The largest eigenvalue ...
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