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Since |(a+ib)(c+id)| = |a+ib||c+di| (1) |(ac-bd)+i(bc+ad)| = sqrt(a^2+b^2)sqrt(c^2+d^2), (2) it follows that (a^2+b^2)(c^2+d^2) = (ac-bd)^2+(bc+ad)^2 (3) = e^2+f^2. (4) This ...
The flat norm on a current is defined by F(S)=int{Area T+Vol(R):S-T=partialR}, where partialR is the boundary of R.
Numbered rods which can be used to perform multiplication.
Let alpha_(n+1) = (2alpha_nbeta_n)/(alpha_n+beta_n) (1) beta_(n+1) = sqrt(alpha_nbeta_n), (2) then H(alpha_0,beta_0)=lim_(n->infty)a_n=1/(M(alpha_0^(-1),beta_0^(-1))), (3) ...
Harmonic coordinates satisfy the condition Gamma^lambda=g^(munu)Gamma_(munu)^lambda=0, (1) or equivalently, partial/(partialx^kappa)(sqrt(g)g^(lambdakappa))=0. (2) It is ...
The series sum_(k=1)^infty1/k (1) is called the harmonic series. It can be shown to diverge using the integral test by comparison with the function 1/x. The divergence, ...
For n>=3, there exist no additive finite and invariant measures for the group of displacements in R^n.
A function which satisfies f(tx,ty)=t^nf(x,y) for a fixed n. Means, the Weierstrass elliptic function, and triangle center functions are homogeneous functions. A ...
The dilogarithm identity Li_2(-x)=-Li_2(x/(1+x))-1/2[ln(1+x)]^2.
The Lebesgue identity is the algebraic identity (Nagell 1951, pp. 194-195).
