Search Results for "epr paradox"
51 - 60 of 180 for epr paradoxSearch Results

A class is a generalized set invented to get around Russell's antinomy while retaining the arbitrary criteria for membership which leads to difficulty for sets. The members ...
A dissection fallacy is an apparent paradox arising when two plane figures with different areas seem to be composed by the same finite set of parts. In order to produce this ...
Informally, a situation in which a decision must be made from several alternatives, none of which is obviously the optimal one. In formal logic, a dilemma is a specific type ...
A term in social choice theory meaning invariance of a result under permutation of voters.
A property of a space which is also true of each of its subspaces. Being "first-countable" is hereditary, but having a given genus is not.
(1) Based on or involving trial and error. (2) Convincing without being rigorous.
A multivariate polynomial (i.e., a polynomial in more than one variable) with all terms having the same degree. For example, x^3+xyz+y^2z+z^3 is a homogeneous polynomial of ...
A term in social choice theory meaning a change favorable for X does not hurt X.
A function f(t) of one or more parameters containing a noise term epsilon(t) f(t)=L(t)+epsilon(t), where the noise is (without loss of generality) assumed to be additive.
The term used in propositional calculus for the NAND connective. The notation A|B is used for this connective, a most unfortunate choice in light of modern usage of A|B or ...