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Simple harmonic motion refers to the periodic sinusoidal oscillation of an object or quantity. Simple harmonic motion is executed by any quantity obeying the differential ...
A brute-force method of finding a divisor of an integer n by simply plugging in one or a set of integers and seeing if they divide n. Repeated application of trial division ...
Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of 13, a number commonly associated with bad luck in Western culture. While fear of the number 13 can be traced back to medieval times, the word ...
The class of all regular sequences of particularly well-behaved functions equivalent to a given regular sequence. A distribution is sometimes also called a "generalized ...
The term "continued fraction" is used to refer to a class of expressions of which generalized continued fraction of the form b_0+(a_1)/(b_1+(a_2)/(b_2+(a_3)/(b_3+...))) ...
Adding a damping force proportional to x^. to the equation of simple harmonic motion, the first derivative of x with respect to time, the equation of motion for damped simple ...
Dots and boxes is a two-person game based on a rectangular lattice of points. Each player, in turn, draws a horizontal or vertical line connecting two adjacent points. ...
The eight Gell-Mann matrices lambda_i, i=1,...,8, are an example of the set of generators of the Lie algebra associated to the special unitary group SU(3). Explicitly, these ...
A recursive sequence {f(n)}_n, also known as a recurrence sequence, is a sequence of numbers f(n) indexed by an integer n and generated by solving a recurrence equation. The ...
A graph H is a minor of a graph G if a copy of H can be obtained from G via repeated edge deletion and/or edge contraction. The Kuratowski reduction theorem states that any ...