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A vector field on a circle in which the directions of the vectors are all at the same angle to the circle.
Let F be a field of field characteristic p. Then the Frobenius automorphism on F is the map phi:F->F which maps alpha to alpha^p for each element alpha of F.
The topological completion C of a field F with respect to the absolute value |·| is the smallest field containing F for which all Cauchy sequences or rationals converge.
Given a field F and an extension field K superset= F, an element alpha in K is called algebraic over F if it is a root of some nonzero polynomial with coefficients in F. ...
An extension field F subset= K is called finite if the dimension of K as a vector space over F (the so-called degree of K over F) is finite. A finite field extension is ...
An extension of an arbitrary field F of the form F(sqrt(1+lambda^2)), where lambda in F.
The regulator of a number field K is a positive number associated with K. The regulator of an imaginary quadratic field is 1 and that of a real quadratic, imaginary cubic, or ...
Two elements alpha, beta of a field K, which is an extension field of a field F, are called conjugate (over F) if they are both algebraic over F and have the same minimal ...
In Minkowski space, a twistor may be defined as a pair consisting of a spinor field and a complex conjugate spinor field satisfying the twistor equation.
An algebraic variety over a field K that becomes isomorphic to a projective space.
