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Let K be a field of arbitrary characteristic. Let v:K->R union {infty} be defined by the following properties: 1. v(x)=infty<=>x=0, 2. v(xy)=v(x)+v(y) forall x,y in K, and 3. ...
The name for the set of integers modulo m, denoted Z/mZ. If m is a prime p, then the modulus is a finite field F_p=Z/pZ.
Let (K,|·|) be a valuated field. The valuation group G is defined to be the set G={|x|:x in K,x!=0}, with the group operation being multiplication. It is a subgroup of the ...
The transcendence degree of Q(pi), sometimes called the transcendental degree, is one because it is generated by one extra element. In contrast, Q(pi,pi^2) (which is the same ...
A three-dimensional surface with constant vector field on its boundary which traps at least one trajectory which enters it.
If F is an algebraic Galois extension field of K such that the Galois group of the extension is Abelian, then F is said to be an Abelian extension of K. For example, ...
Given a number field K, a Galois extension field L, and prime ideals p of K and P of L unramified over p, there exists a unique element sigma=((L/K),P) of the Galois group ...
A Lie algebra over an algebraically closed field is called exceptional if it is constructed from one of the root systems E_6, E_7, E_8, F_4, and G_2 by the Chevalley ...
A unit is an element in a ring that has a multiplicative inverse. If a is an algebraic integer which divides every algebraic integer in the field, a is called a unit in that ...
A Lie algebra is said to be simple if it is not Abelian and has no nonzero proper ideals. Over an algebraically closed field of field characteristic 0, every simple Lie ...
